Form a strong academic community of disciples responding to the call of
Jesus Christ.
Prepare students to serve the Culture of Life through a total gift of self.
Engage students in the mission, sacramental life,
and magisterial teachings
of the Catholic Church.
Develop faithful citizens to lead an America that values the dignity and worth of every human person.
Based on the US Bishop’s document on Ministry to Youth entitled “Renewing the Vision,” McGivney will incorporate youth ministry concepts into the House Faith Formation model where students will meet with their “House” – a group made up of a cross-section of students from each class. This model allows for friendly competition, as well as the opportunity for mentoring one another in an environment that breaks down barriers between cliques and stereotypes.
Also within the House Model, community service is a strong part of every McGivney student’s experience. With each class year dedicated to a particular pillar of the Knights of Columbus, students will have the opportunity to give back to their parish (Freshmen), region (Sophomores), country (Juniors), and world (Seniors), and share their experiences with their Houses.
Obviously a big part of the Faith Formation at McGivney, the theology curriculum includes eight required theology courses, as well as theology electives and cross-curricular courses.
An important element of ensuring the Catholic integrity of McGivney, faculty faith formation is based on the successful programs developed at Paul VI (St. Louis Archdiocese) and Dayton University.
McGivney is designed to use the most modern technology for classroom learning. Our teachers and staff come highly recommended and have impressive experience and teaching certifications. McGivney’s curriculum and extracurricular activities provide an excellent, well-rounded high school experience. But Father McGivney Catholic High School wasn’t started just to provide a high-tech, academically-challenging, college preparatory education. McGivney is a Catholic high school – not just in name, but in spirit and faith. Upon McGivney’s inception, a Faith Formation Committee was formed to ensure that Catholic identity is integral in every aspect of the high school, and not just an added component. This committee worked for years to design a unique faith formation program for faculty, staff, parents and students that represents our motto: Servire Culturae Vitae – Serving the Culture of Life.
FMCHS was founded by a group of dedicated parents, grandparents, pastors and other faithful volunteers (who) began working on the ‘dream’ of a school in 2005.
In the fall of 2012, McGivney opened its doors to a group of 19 students, initially using the wing of St. John Neumann Catholic School before opening its own building three years later.
In choosing the name for the school, its founders wanted to honor a person who was committed to the same values they hoped to instill in the school’s students and chose Father McGivney, known as an apostle to the young and a defender of Christian family life.