Maggie Dorgan, a 1998 graduate of O’Fallon Township High School, is pleased to be part of the English Department at Father McGivney. She graduated from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana in 2002 with her BME and began her teaching career in Columbia, Illinois, where she taught for 13 years until she began working at Father McGivney in 2015. In 2022 Mrs. Dorgan graduated with her Masters in Curriculum Development and Instruction from McKendree University. Mrs. Dorgan and her husband, Peter were married in 2005. They have two children, Amalia, who was born in 2008, and Nathaniel, in 2011. They are active members of St. Nicholas Parish, where Mrs. Dorgan has been attending mass since 1989. Mrs. Dorganenjoys being part of McGivney’s spiritually-nurturing and academically-rigorous environment and is committed to being a positive and encouraging influence in the lives of her students.