The School Board has set the tuition for the 2024-2025 school year at $8,700/year. There is also a Student Fee of $750 due as part of the Enrollment/Re-Enrollment process. This fee helps to offset the travel expenses, registration fees, and equipment costs associated with school and faith formation activities, clubs, and athletic teams.
A discount of $1,000/year will be offered for the second student and the third (and over) student(s) are 50% off full tuition. Multi-student tuition discounts will be awarded annually per family, for students attending simultaneously.
The School Board has adopted the following payment policy for tuition.
Families can pay their bill in one of three ways:
1. A one time lump-sum payment through ACH due August 1, or
2. Two equal payments through ACH due August 1 and January 1, or
3. 10 equal monthly payments through ACH due on the 1st of the months of August through May.
It is the intent that qualified Catholic students should not be denied an education at Father McGivney Catholic High School because of lack of financial resources. Some parishes have made generous financial assistance funds available to children of their parishioners.
Because of the sensitive nature of the information involved, neither the school nor the parishes evaluate the initial financial need of financial assistance applicants. The school has contracted with FACTS Grant & Aid to process financial assistance requests. The FACTS Grant & Aid application is part of the Enrollment Packet (the second phase of acceptance to FMCHS, pending Application submission by December 15th) and is not available until after January 1st. The deadline for applying for financial assistance is March 1st. Financial assistance will be reviewed on an annual basis.
For information about Tuition and FACTS Grant & Aid, please contact Jill Beltramea at
There are a number of academic and need-based scholarships & grants available annually through outside organizations. The following scholarships open each year on January 1st. Descriptions of each scholarship are below, and all applications are accessed by clicking on the scholarship name.
*If you are receiving financial assistance from the school, any outside scholarship(s) will be applied to help offset the assistance you have received from Father McGivney Catholic High School, so your family contribution amount would remain the same as the scholarship would offset the financial assistance awarded by Father McGivney.
The Assumption Alumni Scholarship solicits applications from incoming students with ties to Assumption Catholic High School. The committee examines applications based on financial need as well as their associations with Assumption alumni with priority given to those who are in great financial need in an effort to support students wanting a Catholic education. The scholarship awards in the past have been up to $3000 per year for all 4 years of attendance. In addition to the Assumption Alumni Scholarship application, which can be accessed by clicking above on the scholarship name, students will need to submit a one-page essay on why they want to continue their Catholic education, a letter of recommendation, preferably from a related Assumption alum if possible and a copy of parents’ filed tax returns. If you have no alumni connection or the alumni is deceased, a letter of recommendation from a teacher, family friend, youth minister, etc. would suffice. Within either the essay or the letter of recommendation, it behooves you to state your relationship with assumption. There is a place on the Assumption Alumni webpage where you can search alumni by last names and may find a relative whom you did not realize attended the school. The application, essay, letter of recommendation, and tax return need to be received by the Father McGivney Catholic High School office no later than May 31 of each year. This scholarship is open to incoming freshmen.
*It is not guaranteed that a student from Father McGivney Catholic High School will receive the Assumption Alumni scholarship, as applicants from other Catholic high schools are also considered.
The Daiber family has endowed a scholarship in memory of Alice Daiber. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an incoming freshman at Father McGivney Catholic High School and the amount will vary from year to year based on the current fund payout. The recipient must exhibit sufficient academic progress with at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, must provide an essay stating why he/she would like to continue their Catholic education, and must demonstrate financial need by applying and qualifying for financial assistance through FACTS. Students from St. Paul’s parish in Highland are given first preference. If no student meeting this criteria applies, the scholarship committee shall designate another qualified student. The final selection may require an interview with the scholarship committee. If interviews are necessary, the finalists will be notified of the interview date which will take place. Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year.
The Daughters of Isabella provide scholarships each year to current Catholic High School girls or Catholic girls entering High School in the fall. The scholarship may be applied for and awarded more than once to the same candidate up to four instances. Only one scholarship is awarded per year. The applicant for the scholarship must be an active parishioner of a Catholic Church where O’Reilly Circle #218 is represented or has a presence. The applicant for the Scholarship must demonstrate academic promise in coursework completed during the current academic year with academic promise defined as a 3.00 or higher GPA (grade point average).
The applicant for the Scholarship must complete and submit a 500-750 word essay on their choice of the topics listed below:
The challenges that face teenagers in today’s society, and how my Catholic faith helps me to meet those challenges or What it means to me to be a Catholic woman in today’s world.
The applicant for the Scholarship must show involvement in Parish liturgies by participation as a liturgical minister, lector, cantor (choir member), usher, greeter or server. The applicant for the Scholarship must demonstrate active involvement in a Catholic Church youth organization and sponsored events and show proof of over 15 hours of community service (signed by pastor or school principal). Applications for this scholarship must be completed and submitted to the Scholarship Committee of the Daughters of Isabella 3 months prior to the start of the academic school year. Applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and should be received by or date stamped by May 15 and sent to Robin Hake, Regent Circle #218, 41 Country Club View, Edwardsville, IL 62025
The Haarmann family has endowed a scholarship in memory of Henry J. Haarmann. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an incoming freshman at Father McGivney Catholic High School in the amount of a one-time $1,000 award. This scholarship will not be based on financial need or grade point average, but rather on dedication to the Catholic Faith and service to the community. The recipient of this scholarship award will be selected by the descendants of Henry J. Haarmann. Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year.
The Udell and Cecelia Harris family has endowed a scholarship to be given to a St. Paul Parish graduating 8th grade student who is pursuing an education at Father McGivney Catholic High School. The recipient must exhibit sufficient academic progress with at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, must provide an essay stating why he/she would like to continue their Catholic education, and must demonstrate financial need by applying and qualifying for financial assistance through FACTS. The Scholarship amount varies from year to year based on the current fund payout. Students from St. Paul’s parish in Highland are given first preference. If no student meeting this criteria applies, students residing in the Highland Area Community Foundation service area (the Highland Community School District (CUSD #5) and Marine and St. Jacob townships) shall be considered next. If no applicant meets either of these criteria, the scholarship funds shall be held for the following school year. The scholarship can be awarded for up to four years providing that the recipient continues to attend Father McGivney Catholic High School and reapplies each year. Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year.
The Henrichs family has endowed a scholarship to Father McGivney Catholic High School. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an eighth-grade graduate to pursue and education at Father McGivney Catholic High School. The recipient must exhibit sufficient academic progress with at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, must provide an essay stating why he/she would like to continue their Catholic education, and must demonstrate financial need by applying and qualifying for financial assistance through FACTS. The scholarship amount will be set at $2000.00. Students from St. Paul’s parish in Highland are given first preference. If no student meeting this criterion applies, students residing in the Highland Area Community Foundation service area (the Highland Community School District (CUSD #5) and Marine and St. Jacob Townships) shall be considered next. This is a one-time award and is to specifically be used toward the parental contribution portion of tuition. Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year
The Highland Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Council 1580 has endowed a scholarship to Father McGivney Catholic High School to be awarded to a St. Paul Parish graduating 8th grade student who is pursuing a Catholic education at Father McGivney Catholic High School. The scholarship will be in the amount of $500.00. This is a one-time award and will be determined year to year depending on funds availability. Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year.
The Maryville Knights of Columbus, Council # 6625, offer an annual scholarship to Father McGivney students who meet certain criteria. Any student who applies for Financial Aid at Father McGivney and has a father or grandfather as a current member of Maryville Knights of Columbus Council #6625 is automatically considered for this scholarship and will be contacted in the summer of each year for submission of qualification data
The Chouinard family has endowed a scholarship in memory of Barbara Chouinard. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an incoming freshman at Father McGivney Catholic High School and the amount will vary from year to year based on the current fund payout. The recipient must exhibit sufficient academic progress with at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, must provide an essay stating why he/she would like to continue their Catholic education, and must demonstrate financial need by applying and qualifying for financial assistance through FACTS. Students from St. John Neumann school in Maryville are given first preference. If no student meeting this criterion applies, the scholarship committee shall designate another qualified student. The final selection may require an interview with the scholarship committee. If interviews are necessary, the finalists will be notified of the interview date which will take place. Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year.
The David Dempsey Memorial Scholarship is a $1,000 tuition scholarship to Father McGivney Catholic High School (FMCHS) awarded annually. The goals of the David Dempsey Memorial Scholarship are to encourage families to purchase and maintain life insurance for the benefit of their families and children, and to encourage Catholic School high school education.
All eligible students must meet the following criteria:
-Applicant must be a student accepted for enrollment by FMCHS and enrolled for his/her senior year (or younger if no seniors apply) in the 2024-25 school year;
-Applicant must be a registered member of any Catholic Church parish located within the State of Illinois;
-Applicant’s father must be a current member in good standing of a Knights of Columbus Council located within the State of Illinois; and
-Applicant must have a current and in-force, fully paid-up permanent or whole life insurance policy issued through the Knights of Columbus (subject to verification).
-Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking on the name (heading) above and must be received in the Father McGivney Catholic School office of Student Services before March 1st each year.
Since 2007, Folds of Honor has carried forth a single, noble mission: To provide educational scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service members. For elementary/high school it is titled the Children's Fund Scholarship and is available to Veterans and dependents with a 90%+ disability rating. To see if you qualify and for more information, please visit