Backpacks will not be allowed throughout the school day. All backpacks must be kept in student's lockers from 8:20 am - until the end of day. Backpacks can be a safety hazard and can also be a distraction to the learning environment. All students will have a school locker to keep their books or personal items.
Shirt: The students must wear a white, navy, or green polo shirt with the school’s logo which can only be purchased through approved vendors. Shirts should be tucked in at all times.
Outerwear: If a student wishes to wear an additional piece of clothing for warmth, it must be from a school approvedvendor (BSN, Land’s End or Fishers) and be on the school approved list. When wearing a school approved pullover
students must have a school approved collared shirt underneath the pullover.
Regular Weekly Mass Attire: Students are expected to wear their normal McGivney uniform on our weekly Tuesday and Thursday masses.
ALL SCHOOL Mass Attire: Students will be required to wear a solid white (no logo) full button down oxford dress shirt / dress oxford blouse with a collar. The shirt is required to be tucked in at all times. No polo shirts are allowed on
Mass Days. Female students will have the option of the crossover tie or traditional tie. Male students must wear traditional ties. Both ties must be purchased through Land’s End. Shorts and fleeces MAY NOT be worn on Mass
Days. Navy, gray or black sport coats may be worn by gentlemen during Mass.
Undershirts (optional): Undershirts must be solid white, or navy, short or long sleeved and must be free from anywriting that shows through the shirt.
Dress Down Days: On Principal approved Dress Down Days students must follow the following guidelines:
Students may wear the following:
1. Jeans
2. t-shirts
3. Tennis shoes
4. Sweatshirts
5. Sweatpants
6. Shorts of appropriate length (Office will make that determination). They may be athletic shorts or dress shorts.
7. Yoga pants and Spandex as long as your backside is covered
Dress restrictions
1. No hats or bandanas
2. No sandals or flip-flops
3. No hoodies or hooded sweatshirts
4. No tears in your jeans or pants.
6. No inappropriate logos or writing on clothing.
7. No pajama pants or slippers
The Principal or designated representative will be the final judge if a piece of clothing is inappropriate. If the clothing is deemed inappropriate the student will be asked to put on school approved clothing and his/her parents/guardian
will be notified.
Khaki tailored pants, khaki pleated skirts, khaki skorts, or walking shorts (in season and no shorter than two inches above the knee) purchased from an approved vendor may be worn. A black or brown belt must be in all belt loops.
The plaid skirts and khaki pleated skirts must be purchased through Fischer’s and must be no shorter than two inches above the knee. The khaki skort must be purchased through Land’s End.
Pants and shorts must be worn at the waist, never at the hips.
Shorts may be worn all year long. Leggings are allowed to be worn under skirts, but must be solid black or navy. No writing on leggings is permitted, except for the school logo.
Tennis shoes and leather shoes with standard heel and standard sole must be worn. Open-back shoes, house slippers, and athletic slides are not allowed (even if they are black or brown leather). Socks must be worn with shoes
at all times. Administration will make the final decision if the style of shoe is appropriate to be worn during school hours.
Hair must be of one, approved natural color, neat and clean. (For boys; no longer than three inches anywhere on the head, and off the face, ears, and collar). For safety reasons certain hair styles may not be allowed. No designs of any
kind may be cut into the hair. Boys must be clean-shaven at all times, and sideburns must not be lower than the bottom of the earlobe. Any student
not in compliance with the facial hair policy will be required to shave at school. Continued failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action.
Hats must be removed upon entering the school building and must remain off the entire school day and stored in lockers. Appropriate rings and watches, medals, crosses, etc. must be worn inside the clothing. Students may not wear excessive or unsafe earrings, maximum of 2 piercings in each ear.
Our goal is to insure a safe and healthy dance environment that honors the values of Father McGivney Catholic High School. These policies emerge from our shared mission in promoting Catholic values that recognize the dignity
and self-worth of all people. Dress for formal events should serve as a means to emphasize the beauty and dignity of the whole person. Within this setting, dances are viewed as an opportunity for students to socialize in a
supervised and safe environment. Student behavior and manner of dress should reflect this guiding principle.
FOR LADIES: Dress/outfit should be appropriate for the Father McGivney Catholic High School setting. Dress, skirt, blouse/top or pants outfit should be formal in nature. The dress/outfit must meet the following requirements:
Appropriate LENGTH: skirt, dress, and the slit of skirt or dress may be approximately no shorter than 3 inches above the knee in front and back.
Appropriate FIT: the whole dress may not be so tight as to show all contours of the body. Also, the dress should not rise (past the length requirements) up while dancing.
Appropriate CUT: top may be strapless or spaghetti straps, but not low cut. Dresses should not have cut-out areas on the sides or front, but small cutouts are permissible on the back, as long as the area exposed remains 2 inches
above the waistline and does not spread to the sides. Dress may not be see-through and may not expose any
midriff or cleavage. (In order to be considered a cutout the hole must be bigger than 1 inch.)
Students who have any questions about dress code or who want to have an outfit approved prior to an event please contact our school dress code liaison, Mrs. Madura in the Student Services Office.
FOR GENTLEMAN: Men too, should dress in a dignified manner.
Dress pants (no jeans, kilts, skirts or sweats). Long sleeve button down, collared shirt with tie or bow tie; formal jackets for prom; and belt and dress shoes. (no sandals or crocs)
Any student bringing a guest from a different school, MUST complete a guest request form and provide all requireddocumentation prior to the event. All guests are required to comply with FMCHS rules, regulations and dress code.
Any clothing that violates the policy will NOT be allowed into the event until the attire is in-line with these guidelines. If a dress or outfit does not meet the above requirements the student will be required to correct the issue which may entail putting on a shirt provided by the school.
Visible tattoos or similar decorations are not allowed. Coats, jackets, hoodies, etc. must be kept in the locker during the school day.
Students will participate in PE in their school uniforms. Separate PE uniforms will not be needed.
Strength and Conditioning PE classes will be given instructions from their teacher regarding dress
Questions regarding uniforms can be addressed to Mrs. Madura by calling the school office at (618) 855-9010.